Based on Nigel Slater's autobiography, Toast first appeared at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2018 before transferring to London's West End at the Other Palace in April 2019. Packed with Walnut Whips, Toast has arrived at Northern Stage as part of its UK tour this autumn.

Toast tells the somewhat bittersweet yet heartwarming story of Nigel Slater's childhood highlighting the close relationship with his mother and his love for cooking. Stories of his childhood in Wolverhampton are twisted together with his passion for cooking into a beautiful, stirring show. Jonnie Riordan's direction and choreography of this production makes this show flow so beautifully, promotes the importance of family, and means that major moments in Slater's life, such as the death of his mother, are emphasised and has a lasting impact on the audience.

Giles Cooper is simply phenomenal as Nigel Slater as he perfectly presents the childhood innocence and naivety of Slater in his early days before the death of his mother. The transition of Slater as he becomes more mature and ambitious is expertly done and again touches the hearts of the audience. Another standout performance has to Katy Federman as Mum as her mother-son relationship with Cooper was gorgeous and heartfelt.

Overall, Toast is heartwarming and gorgeous piece of theatre which highlights the importance of family and friendships, and the impact they have on our lives.