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The Last Ship, Northern Stage (UK Tour) | Review

As I live in Newcastle, I have to admit I did not know much about the shipbuilding industry in Wallsend, but after I knew about the Last Ship, I knew I had to see it.

The Last Ship is a musical with music by Sting and directed by Lorne Campbell. It tells the story of a community of shipbuilders in Wallsend as the shipyards close and how they build the last ship to set sail. The show opens with the shipbuilders singing in the shipyard and the departure and return of Gideon Fletcher played by Richard Fleesman. We then follow the story to the pub where a meeting is held and here we first meet Jackie and Peggy White played by Joe McGann and Charlie Hardwick respectively. McGann had a great voice which was shown during songs such as 'We've Got Nowt Else', 'Underground River' and especially 'Shipyard'. The music, written by Sting, was a mix of chanting songs and a hint of folk music which I think perfectly reflected the community in the shipyards. In this scene we also meet Meg Dawson, played by Frances McNamee, Mr. Newland played by Sean Kearns and Baroness Tynedale played by Penelope Woodman.

In addition, 'If You Ever See Me Talking To A Sailor', is performed by Meg and we first properly meet Ellen in this scene played by Katie Moore. I loved Moore's portrayal and because of this, Ellen is my favourite character in the whole show. We also learn that Gideon is the father of Ellen before the end of the first half where Jackie says that he has lung cancer in the Church. In this production, I love the way the set is designed so that they use screens to project images like a backdrop without the need for props and different sets being wheeled in throughout the show.

The second act is mainly the shipbuilders entering the yard to complete the ship and set it sail. This is also intertwined with the stories of Gideon, Meg and Ellen. The riot begins and the music and songs reflect the events that happened. My favourite section in the second act is the standoff between Mr. Newland and Peggy White and the tremedous final song, 'The Last Ship' and the few final scenes really show the sense of community within the shipyard. Special mentions go to Matt Corner and Parisa Shahmir who played young Gideon and Meg respectively.

The cast certainly deserved the standing ovation at the end as it was definitely a performance to remember.

'The Last Ship' is currently touring the UK until July 2019

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