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Backstage Broadway at Dear Evan Hansen

Hi guys! Welcome to a new series I'm going to be starting called 'Backstage Broadway'. Although I'm not going to be going backstage at any broadway shows (although that would be greatly appreciated) the purpose is for me to write down my thoughts on various Broadway shows and tell you what I love about them.

So, this month's edition of Backstage Broadway is 'Dear Evan Hansen' which I was lucky enough to see when I last visited New York in December.

Dear Evan Hansen tells the story of a high schooler in America called Evan Hansen and he finds it hard to communicate and fit in with other people because of his anxiety. Due to the death of a fellow classmate, he finally sees an opportunity to fit in and have everything he wished for.

This is a show that really resonates with everyone in the audience and will leave an impact on you. Music and lyrics by the duo Pasek and Paul are used to reflect the mood and 'You Will Be Found' is an electric, powerful song before the interval and really uplifts the audience.

I was lucky enough to see most of the original broadway cast excluding Ben Platt and Rachel Bay Jones (Rachel was off that night). Words cannot express how much I loved the company with compelling performances from Noah Galvin and Laura Dreyfuss (as Evan and Zoe) and Nicole Van Giesen who is the understudy for Heidi Hansen and even though she doesn't go on every night, she was amazing and her voice was incredible. Noah and Laura worked really well together and both their performances were captivating especially during songs such as 'Requiem' and 'Waving Through A Window'. Even though the cast had changed since I saw it, anyone who gets to perform in this show will be as brilliant as the last.

I honestly cannot find words to describe my thoughts towards this show. I do not think I'll ever leave a show quite as changed and moved as I did when I left the Music Box Theatre. It's captivating, energetic, emotional and touching. Although it hasn't yet reached London, I will definitely be going when it opens.

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